The top two images are artist impressions of how she now lies. These are external links and will open in a new windowDramatic new images have revealed the extent of damage to HMS Royal Oak after it was sunk by torpedoes.The ship was attacked by a German submarine in Orkney's Scapa Flow in 1939, killing 835 crew - including 134 boys.
For many years, the death toll was believed to be 834. November 1941 im Mittelmeer von dem deutschen U-Boot U 81 torpediert und sank am folgenden Tag im Schlepp vor Gibraltar. The ship was attacked by a …
Video and new images have been released as part of commemorations to mark the 80th anniversary of the ship's sinking.They were gathered by divers who used the latest techniques to create 3D virtual reality models of the wreck.HMS Royal Oak was attacked on 14 October 1939 by a U-boat tasked with targeting the Royal Navy's Home Fleet's main base in Scapa Flow. The site of the wreck in Scapa Flow is protected as a war grave The wreck of HMS ROYAL OAK is the final resting place of 834 men and boys. The twelve divers of the team each got to dive the wreck about 8 times. Die HMS Ark Royal (91) war der erste moderne Flugzeugträger der Royal Navy und ein Einzelschiff. "Unlike battlefields, such as the D-Day landing beaches of Normandy, naval war graves are less accessible to most people and are more easily forgotten, said Lt Jen Smith.
Image copyright Bob Anderson/HMS Royal Oak 80 survey Image caption A turret on the wreck photographed by the Royal Oak 80 Survey Team The project aims to ensure the sinking is … "The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sitesPeople in Lebanon call for justice after a blast that left at least 135 dead and over 4,000 injured.
For many years, the death toll was believed to be 834.
His name has now been added to the Book of Remembrance, bringing the total loss from the attack to 835.The survey results are being shared at events planned over the anniversary weekend.Royal Navy divers from the Northern Diving Group have made their annual visit to Orkney to pay respects to the lost sailors by placing a White Ensign underwater at the ship's stern.For the first time, 835 flowers will also be scattered on the sea for each of the victims - in previous years plastic wreaths were used. Video and new images have been released as part of commemorations to mark the 80th anniversary of the ship's sinking.They were gathered by divers who used the latest techniques to create 3D virtual reality models of the wreck.HMS Royal Oak was attacked on 14 October 1939 by a U-boat tasked with targeting the Royal Navy's Home Fleet's main base in Scapa Flow. The sinking of the Royal Oak during the early weeks of the Second World War was a national disaster.
HMS Royal Oak (Wreck) The Royal Oak is a war grave. The Royal Oak was sunk by German U-boat U47 in October 1939
These are external links and will open in a new windowDramatic new images have revealed the extent of damage to HMS Royal Oak after it was sunk by torpedoes.The ship was attacked by a German submarine in Orkney's Scapa Flow in 1939, killing 835 crew - including 134 boys. The site of the wreck in Scapa Flow is protected as a war grave
The last of the survivors of HMS Royal Oak died in December 2016. A 3D image of the ship's turret on the seabed at Scapa Flow Image copyright Kieran Hatton/HMS Royal Oak 80 Image caption The site of the wreck in Scapa Flow is protected as a war grave
As the most intact underwater dreadnought-era battleship, she has an architectural grandeur befitting of any national memorial. Wreaths were laid at HMS Royal Oak memorial in Orkney
Of Royal Oak‘s complement of 1,234 men and boys, 833 were killed that night or died later of their wounds. As a Royal Navy diving club the Naval Air Command Sub Aqua Club (NACSAC) had permission to dive on the wreck of HMS Royal Oak during the two week period of their annual diving expedition in 1987. The ship capsized as she sank and now lies almost upside down in 33m. Royal Oak vandalism prompts hope of memorial revamp 'Royal Oak torpedo' detonated by bomb disposal experts
A turret on the wreck photographed by the Royal Oak 80 Survey Team