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This page answers the question “How to Avoid Dark Aeons” in the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF10). Check out our FF7 Remake wiki for strategies & tips on how to Master the game – and your Materia! Dark aeons become available much earlier (after events in Macalania Temple) and the triggers are a bit more exact.
For guides on how to beat the superboss Dark Anima, see the link below.Penance is automatically unlocked after defeating all the Dark Aeons. And try not to use cheats. Agreed, click FAQs above, where how-to information was typed up years ago. For information on how to beat Dark Shiva, see the link below. Each boss's difficulty is through the roofs and is even harder than the original monster creations. After fighting Dark Aeons several times, I made decision to rank them in the order of difficulty and the time it would take to beat them. Read on to find all the hidden bosses and get strategies on how to beat each of them.Dark Aeons are optional super bosses in Final Fantasy X. Last updated on: 07/21/2020 1:09 AM. Read on to know which Dark Aeons are avoidable and who are not.The Dark Aeons are bosses that appears after the party reaches Zanarkand. Dark Valefor is the weakest among all the Dark Aeons, but that doesn’t mean that she’s a pushover. For information on how to beat Dark Valefor, see the link below.Blocks your path to the Macalania Temple. Do not talk to the soldier if you do not wish to battle with Dark Ixion.

This page is a guide on the locations of all Dark Aeons in the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, … ★ Time to break out the old Buster Sword – FF7 Remake is now available worldwide!This page answers the question “How to Avoid Dark Aeons” in the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF10). He is one of the Dark Aeons that are hard to find and the player would have troubles finding him than avoiding him.For information on how to beat Dark Ifrit, see the link below.Dark Ixion becomes a forced encounter after talking to the soldier in the Thunder Plains. Defeating all the Dark Aeons allows the player to fight Dark Yojimbo is fought in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. They appear after the party obtains the Al Bhed airship. A guide on how to obtain all aeons in Final Fantasy X, including storyline and optional summons.

Although, after fighting some of them, they are quite annoying to deal with and just a waste of resources at best.

The hardest Dark Aeon to beat among the unavoidable aeons. Once unlocked, he will only stay still near the entrance of Mount Gagazet.For information on how to beat Dark Anima, see the link below.The Dark Magus Sisters lie in ambush near the entrance of Mushroom Rock Road. Aeons are the opposite here and they don't come nice, so train up (a lot) as they can have nasty attacks. Top; FFX Walkthroughs; FFX Characters; FFX-2 Walkthroughs; Home Final Fantasy X / X-2 How to Obtain All Aeons Final Fantasy X / X-2 - How to Obtain All Aeons. For information on how to beat Dark Bahamut, see the link below.You can save a comment for later by giving it a Like.Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Guide & Walkthrough WikiPokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch Guide & Walkthrough WikiGame8 - Your Go-To Platform For All Game Walkthroughs and Strategy GuidesIn order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had.We could not find the message board you were looking for. June 17, 2019 Wolf Knight Final Fantasy X / X-2 0. FFX Walkthrough Team. She has over 800,000 HP and can wipe out your entire party in 1 hit if you go in unprepared. ★ Time to break out the old Buster Sword – FF7 Remake is now available worldwide!This page is a guide on the locations of all Dark Aeons in the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF10).

Will block your path to Besaid Village and must be defeated to gain access to the village again. You will need to fight Dark Yojimbo 5 times to truly defeat him. Just remember, when an Aeon has his Overdrive full, summon a weak aeon so that their attacks won't damage your party members as the game could be over. Easily avoided by using the savesphere in Djose instead of Mi'ihen.For information on how to beat the Dark Magus Sisters, see the links below.The easiest to beat Dark Aeon among all dark aeons. ★ Time to break out the old Buster Sword – FF7 Remake is now available worldwide! Clear it again and Dark Anima will appear in the entrance of Mount Gagazet. For guides on how to beat the superboss Dark Yojimbo, see the link below.Dark Anima is unlocked in Mount Gagazet. Tier 1 (Easy ~ 1-3 mins): 1. Dark Yojimbo for instance, appears when (after defeating Yojimbo) you hike back toward the nearby save sphere (take the transport panel to the entrance instead to save before negotiating).

Share! These bosses are extremely though and needs your characters to be extremely strong to win so encountering them unprepared will spell death.Dark Ifrit can be found in the ruined Home. I'm currently playing through FFX and have gotten to the point where there are only two things worth doing; beating Nemesis (not happening since my team isn't Tidus/Wakka/Rikku to get past Shinryu) and beating the Dark Aeons.
He will not attack instantly after appearing giving you the opportunity to use the teleportation glyph to escape. Dark Shiva (Macalania Temple) Tier 2 (Normal ~ 4-5 mins): 1.

For information on how to beat Dark Ixion, see the link below.Dark Yojimbo only appears after entering the deepest part of the Chamber of Fayth. Read on to know which Dark Aeons are avoidable and who are not. Blocks your way to the Sun Crest. How to Avoid Dark Aeons Depends on the Aeon. Dark Ifrit (Bikanel Dessert) 3. Dark Ixion (Thunder Plains) 4. They are optional bosses that are part of the International and PAL and the HD remaster versions of the game. These bosses are extremely though and needs your characters to be extremely strong to win so encountering …

The Dark Aeons (ヘレティック召喚獣 translation: Heretic beasts) are dark counterparts of the aeons from Final Fantasy X.