The Iranians allegedly fired on the helicopter and the Vincennes gave chase, the Navy said. Just after dawn on July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes sent a helicopter to hover over Iranian speedboats the Navy described as harassing … Personne n’est arrivé à bon port.Cette attaque américaine a été l'attaque de trop contre le peuple iranien qui était par ailleurs épuisé de 8 années de guerre avec l’Irak; cette guerre ayant pris fin, quelques jours après, à savoir le 20 août 1988.La nation iranienne a été en effet continuellement prise pour cible depuis la Révolution iranienne et pour sa résistance à l’arrogance et à l’attitude rancunière des Etats-Unis.En témoigne, le lancement de deux missiles sur cet Airbus abattu sans raison et sur notre propre sol.Il est alors évident que nous ne saurions oublier ce crime qui a marqué l’Histoire de l’Iran. The USS Vincennes returns from deployment on Oct. 24, 1988, just months after shooting down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Strait of Hormuz.. Photo by Ronald W. Erdrich/U.S. The Vincennes’ captain, William C. Rogers III (image on the right), received the prestigious Legion of Merit award two years later for his “sterling performance without a blotch of tarnish”, and “his heroic achievement as air warfare coordinator in USS Vincennes on July 3, 1988”. En 1996, le gouvernement américain verse 100 millions de dollars de dédommagements au gouvernement iranien, soit 345 000 dollars par victime. In 1988, the US Navy accidentally shot an Iranian plane out of the sky, killing 290 people.The USS Vincennes was in the middle of a skirmish with Iranian gunboats when it saw Iran Air Flight 655 on its radar and confused the Airbus 300 for a fighter jet. The US government has to date neither admitted any wrongdoing or responsibility, nor apologized for the fatal incident. The USS Vincennes mistook it for an Iranian F-14 fighter jet, despite having state-of-the-art combat equipment at the time. At 9:54 a.m. on July 3, 1988, the U.S. Navy cruiser Vincennesmistakenly shot down Iran Air’s Flight 655, killing all 290 people on board. »The quote of the week section of Newsweek (15 August 1988)
She was one of 27 ships of the Ticonderoga class constructed for the United States Navy, and one of five equipped with the Mark 26 Guided Missile Launching System.
After it failed to respond to the Navy’s distress signals, the US shot it down with a missile. La situation vue du Quelques minutes plus tard, le navire ouvre le feu sur les embarcations iraniennes à l'origine de l'attaque de l'Personne ne vérifie l'information indiquant que l'avion hostile serait en descente, et le Selon le gouvernement iranien il y avait 66 enfants parmi les passagers, soit 22 % du total des victimes. Iran Air Flight 655 was shot down by the United States Navy's missile cruiser USS Vincennes on Sunday July 3, 1988, killing all 290 passengers, including 66 children, and crewmembers onboard. "That leads to the depth of this anger. Navy officials said the Vincennes' crew believed they were firing at an Iranian F14 jet fighter, although they had not confirmed this visually.
She was one of 27 ships of the Ticonderoga class constructed for the United States Navy, and one of five equipped with the Mark 26 Guided Missile Launching System. Just after dawn on July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes sent a helicopter to hover over Iranian speedboats the Navy described as harassing commercial ships. An incident involving an Iranian airliner and U.S. forces has evoked memories of the downing of Iran Air flight 655 by the USS Vincennes in 1988. When it did not the ship fired two surface-to-air missiles, at least one of which hit the airliner. The Vincennes and a smaller warship, the frigate USS Elmer Montgomery, a half-hour later closed on the gunboats and put them under fire with 5-inch guns, sinking two and damaging the third. L'accident fait 290 victimes, dont 66 enfants.
USS Vincennes was a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser outfitted with the Aegis combat system that was in service with the United States Navy from July 1985 to June 2005. Just after dawn on July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes sent a helicopter to hover over Iranian speedboats the Navy described as harassing … Down below, Rogers was having the time of his life blasting Boghammers when his men detected Flight 655. On 2 July, USS HALSEY had to warn away a potentially threatening Iranian F-14. It was the ninth worst incident in aeronautical history and to make it even worse, the decision that led to these deaths was based on a theory of the situation rather than on supporting evidence.