Both incidents caused a large number of measures aimed at preventing unlawful interference with civil aviation, at improving the security of civil aviation as a whole and at protecting it, in doing so, also from dangers that are imminent where aircraft (on the definition of aircraft, see § 1.2 of the Civil Aviation Act (a) On 16 December 2002, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union adopted Regulation (EC) No. Der Beschwerdeführer trägt vor, der Bayerische Verwaltungsgerichtshof habe ihn darauf hingewiesen, dass eine Entscheidung über den Antrag auf Eilrechtsschutz nicht mehr ergehen werde, da die Dritte Bayerische Infektionsschutzmaßnahmenverordnung nur noch in der betroffenen Woche gelte und der Verwaltungsgerichtshof überlastet sei.
If this was not possible, the factual basis was said to be tainted with the stigma of a misinterpretation from the very beginning. Vielmehr hat der Staat stets einen verhältnismäßigen Ausgleich zwischen der Freiheit der einen und dem Schutzbedarf der anderen zu schaffen.
Instead they are functions in the area of police power. Decisions by a chamber need to be unanimous. 1 Satz 3 BVerfGG abgesehen. One also cannot rule out the possibility that the course of events will be such that it is no longer required to carry out the operation. The desperateness and inescapability which characterise the situation of the people on board the aircraft who are affected as victims also exist vis-à-vis those who order and execute the shooting down of the aircraft. (a) However, the encroachment upon fundamental rights carries much weight because the execution of the operation pursuant to § 14.3 of the Aviation Security Act will with near certainty result in the death of the people on board the plane. 2. The parliamentary group of ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS further argues that a quantitative or qualitative weighing up of human lives against human lives is not provided by § 14.3 of the Aviation Security Act. The critical point in the assessment of the situation was said to be to what extent the possibly affected crew of the plane was still able to communicate the attempt at, or the success of, hijacking an aircraft to the decision-makers on the ground. 239) BVerfG, Beschluss der 1.
It submits as follows: With the Aviation Security Act the state fulfils its obligation to protect every human life. This goes without saying in operations against pilotless aircraft but also applies in the other case. Thus, it is said to be guaranteed that ultimately, a passenger plane will probably only be shot down if it is possible to limit the number of victims at least with a certain probability to the people on board the plane.
cc) § 14.3 of the Aviation Security Act is, however, compatible with Article 2.2 sentence 1 in conjunction with Article 1.1 of the Basic Law to the extent that the direct use of armed force is aimed at a pilotless aircraft or exclusively at persons who want to use the aircraft as a weapon of a crime against the lives of people on the ground. 2. No constitutional justification can be adduced for such an encroachment. The fact that this procedure is intended to serve to protect and preserve other people’s lives does not alter this. (4) The idea that the individual is obliged to sacrifice his or her life in the interest of the state as a whole in case of need if this is the only possible way of protecting the legally constituted body politic from attacks which are aimed at its breakdown and destruction (for instance Enders, in: §§ 13 to 15 of the Aviation Security Act serve to prevent, in the context of police power, the occurrence of especially grave accidents within the meaning of Article 35.2 sentences 2 and 3 of the Basic Law. Vor diesem Hintergrund hätte der Beschwerdeführer zunächst ausführlich darlegen müssen, inwiefern die Verordnung des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Gesundheit und Pflege nach seiner Auffassung gleichwohl von Verfassungs wegen der Begründung bedarf.
1 und 2, § 7 Abs. Der Beschwerdeführer hat mit Erhebung der Verfassungsbeschwerde die Mitglieder der 1. In the opinion of the Government of the Free State of Bavaria and the It [the challenged regulation] is not covered by the Federation’s right to enact legislation under Article 35.2 sentences 2 and 3 of the Basic Law. Because they frequently use planes for private and professional reasons, the possibility that they could be affected by a measure pursuant to § 14.3 of the Aviation Security Act it is not merely a theoretical one. Whoever denies this or calls this into question denies those who, such as the victims of a hijacking, are in a desperate situation that offers no alternative to them, precisely the respect which is due to them for the sake of their human dignity (see above under C II 2 b aa, bb aaa). Für die durch das Grundgesetz konkretisierte Freiheitsordnung ist das jedoch nicht richtig. Auch wenn es eine bestimmte Rechtsauffassung ständig vertritt, ist es danach selbst in einem Verfahren, das gerade auf die Änderung dieser Rechtsauffassung abzielt, nicht ausgeschlossen.